The holy hillock of Sabarimala witnessed heavy rush as hundreds of pilgrims from different parts of Tamil Nadu
Tantri Kandararu Maheswararu, assisted by Melsanthi N.Vishnu Namboodiri and other priests, performing the Kumbhabhishekom atop the Nagaraja Temple at Sabarimala Sannidhanam on November 132009
Tantri Kandararu Maheswararu, assisted by Melsanthi N.Vishnu Namboodiri and other priests, performing the Kumbhabhishekom atop the Nagaraja Temple at Sabarimala Sannidhanam
Outgoing melsanthi N.Vishnu Namboodiri, accompanied by the temple tantri Kandararu Maheswararu and other priests, opening the Lord Ayyappa Temple at SabarimalaG.Vishnu Namboodiri being installed as the new head priest (Melsanthi) of the Lord Ayyappa Temple
Aravana production in progress at the mechanised Aravana plant at Sabarimala Sannidhanam